This post is an attempt to aggregate all of the cheatsheet resources that Julia community members have created (last updated Nov 9, 2021).
The Cheatsheets
* = Not a cheetsheet per se, but worthy of inclusion.
Julia and Comparisons to Other Languages
- Fast Track to Julia (Julia-Cheat-Sheet collaborators)
- Julia/Python/R Side-by-side (Samuel S. Watson)
- Matlab-Python-Julia Cheatsheet (QuantEcon collaborators)
- *Noteworthy Differences from other Languages (Julia Docs collaborators)
Specific Packages
- *Basic Commands in Pluto.jl (Deeptendu Santra)
- Data Wrangling with DataFrames.jl (Tom Kwong)
- *Makie.jl Examples (Makie.jl maintainers).
- Plots.jl (Samuel S. Watson)
What have we missed?
Please let us know! Contact us via Twitter @JuliaForDataSci or email us at